
Even the “mighty” Ring can not escape us!

Turbo-Nutters has been floating about the Internet since the year 1999. It was not killed off by the millennium bug or even swine flu.

It was started in the early days by 2 of the founder members who build and thrashed a MK2 Escort Mexico which has been butchered into accepting a t3 turbo from a newer model ERST. This resulted in hilarity and sideways action   on even the most straight roads.

Over the years we have done our very best to bring you news, reviews, videos and features from the automotive scene. Our videos were once the talking point of many millions tens of people and our monthly turbo-nutters meets over at the Safeway car park drew thousands maybe 20 people from far and wide.

Lately the site has taken a turn for the worse and hasn’t been given the love, attention and cuddles it most rightly deserves. All this is about to change! Join me people of this good earth and witness TN transform from the steaming pile of shite that it has been for way too long. Remember – less show car, more go car!

Turbo-Nutters is entirely funded through McD’s coffee vouchers and advertising revenue. Please take a moment to consider visiting our sponsors.