Month: July 2018

New VS Used: The Endless Debate

It’s a question that’s been around for about as long as there have been mass produced cars: should you buy new, or should you buy used? It’s one that, on the surface, seems incredibly simple. If you have more...

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3 Common Car Insurance Mistakes

We all know that car insurance is expensive, especially here in the UK, and especially if you are a young driver, a new driver, or you have been involved in any sort of crash before, even if it was not your fault. Therefore, the...

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Volkswagen T2 Maintenance

When you buy a new vehicle, you can expect to have a good few years of use out of it before you need to start worrying about problems with how it runs and undertaking multiple repair jobs. However, when it comes to classic cars,...

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Starting Your Own Car Business: Quick Facts

Are you a car enthusiast? Are you someone who’s always up to date on what’s going on in the automobile world? Can you point out the pros and cons of most of the car models out there, from a cortina to a cadillac? Car businesses...

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What Is The New Era Of Driving

It’s fair to say that driving really has changed over the years. Think back to when we first started bringing cars onto the road, and how different everything is now. We’re now driving in an era where technology is at the...

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Bounce Back From Your Driving Ban

Just because you get a driving ban, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be allowed to drive ever again. In fact, most bans only last for between 12 and 18 months. After that time, you will be able to get back behind the wheel of a...

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