Buying a new car is a big deal. Whether it’s brand new to you or a hot, off-the-line new model, you need to make use of your making the right decisions before signing on the dotted line and making the purchase.

It’s crucial to be aware of the common mistakes people make when purchasing a new vehicle. Surprisingly, around one-third of car buyers, which is a significant portion, end up regretting their purchase. However, by following these tips, you can significantly reduce the chances of being one of those people.

Do Your Research

Empower yourself by conducting thorough research. This includes understanding your CSR, exploring different dealers, comparing prices and model specifications, and reading reviews for the vehicle and seller if available. The more information you gather, the better equipped you’ll be to make a confident decision. Identify how they’re selling what you’re looking for and the price point they’re offering for what you’re looking for.

Don’t Rush

Exercise caution and avoid rushing your purchase. This can lead to impulsive decisions and overlooking potential issues. Take your time. Don’t succumb to pressure to buy immediately. Be prepared to step back and consider your options. This thoughtful approach can help you avoid car buyer’s remorse.

Don’t Exceed Your Budget

Stay in control of your finances by not exceeding your budget. It’s easy to get carried away in the moment and not remember your financial limits. Be confident in your decision on what you can spend. Avoid looking at cars that go over what you can afford and stretch your budget. This will ensure a secure and stress-free purchase.

Check The Details Thoroughly

This means on both the car and the paperwork you’re signing. Be 100% confident you know exactly what you’re buying and letting yourself in for. Check the vehicles for dents and scratches, and ask for service history, repairs or new parts that have been added to the vehicle if it’s a used car. Known common faults and issues, such as engine misfires or transmission problems, which will be easy to find online, and talk to the dealer about the reliability of the model to get their impression of the manufacturer and model from a professional point of view.

Check the paperwork, too, so there are no nasty surprises, especially if you’re getting finance deals or on Hire Purchase (HP). This way, you know what the expectations and your responsibilities are once you take ownership of the car.

Not Taking A Test Drive

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is buying a car without test-driving it. Taking your potential new vehicle out on the road before committing to buying it can give you an idea of how you feel driving it, how it handles on the roads, and what you can expect if you decide to go ahead. Your local ford dealers, for example, will be more than happy to help you take a test drive in your choice of car to help you make the right decision before you sign on the dotted line.